Source code for punx.cache_manager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2016-2018, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

manages the NXDL cache directories of this project

A key component necessary to validate both NeXus data files and
NXDL class files is a current set of the NXDL definitions.

There are two cache directories:

* the source cache
* the user cache

Within each of these cache directories,
there may be one or more subdirectories, each
containing the NeXus definitions subdirectories and files (``*.xml``,
``*.xsl``, & ``*.xsd``) of a specific branch, release, tag, or commit hash
from the NeXus definitions repository.

:source cache: contains default set of NeXus NXDL files
:user cache: contains additional set(s) of NeXus NXDL files, installed by user

The *cache_manager* calls the *github_handler* and
is called by *schema_manager* and *nxdl_manager*.

.. rubric:: Public interface

.. autosummary::


.. rubric:: Internal interface

.. autosummary::



import datetime
import json
import os
import pyRestTable
import shutil

    from PyQt5 import QtCore
except ImportError:
    from PyQt4 import QtCore

from .__init__ import __settings_organization__, __settings_package__, FileNotFound
from . import singletons
from . import github_handler
from . import utils

logger = utils.setup_logger(__name__)
INFO_FILE_NAME = u"__github_info__.json"

[docs]def get_short_sha(full_sha): """ return the first few unique characters of the git commit hash (SHA) :param str full_sha: hash code from Github """ return full_sha[: min(SHORT_SHA_LENGTH, len(full_sha))]
[docs]def write_json_file(filename, obj): """ write the structured ``obj`` to the JSON file ``file_name`` :see: """ open(filename, "w").write(json.dumps(obj, indent=2))
[docs]def read_json_file(filename): """ read a structured object from the JSON file ``file_name`` :see: """ return json.loads(open(filename, "r").read())
[docs]def should_extract_this(item, NXDL_file_endings_list, allowed_parent_directories): """ decide if this item should be extracted from the ZIP download :return bool: """ for ending in NXDL_file_endings_list: if item.endswith(ending): if item.split("/")[-2] in allowed_parent_directories: return True return False
[docs]def should_avoid_download(grr, path): """ decide if the download should be avoided (True: avoid, False: download) :return bool: """ names = [] names.append(grr.appName + "-" + grr.sha) names.append(grr.orgName + "-" + grr.appName + "-" + grr.sha) short_sha = get_short_sha(grr.sha) names.append(grr.appName + "-" + short_sha) names.append(grr.orgName + "-" + short_sha + "-" + grr.sha) names.append(grr.ref) for subdir in names: if subdir in os.listdir(path): info_file_name = os.path.join(path, subdir, INFO_FILE_NAME) if os.path.exists(info_file_name): info = read_json_file(info_file_name) if info["sha"] == grr.sha: return True return False
[docs]def extract_from_download(grr, path): # TODO refactor into NXDL_File_Set """ download & extract NXDL files from ``grr`` into a subdirectory of ``path`` USAGE:: grr = github_handler.GitHub_Repository_Reference() grr.connect_repo() if grr.request_info() is not None: extract_from_download(grr, cache_directory) """ import io import zipfile NXDL_categories = "base_classes applications contributed_definitions".split() NXDL_file_endings_list = ".xsd .xml .xsl".split() msg_list = [] download_dir_name = None # to be learned en route NXDL_refs_dir_name = os.path.join(path, grr.ref) if should_avoid_download(grr, path): return msg_list.append("downloading: " + grr.zip_url) zip_content = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO( allowed_parent_directories = NXDL_categories for item in zip_content.namelist(): if download_dir_name is None: root_name = item.split("/")[0] download_dir_name = os.path.join(path, root_name) allowed_parent_directories.append(root_name) if should_extract_this( item, NXDL_file_endings_list, allowed_parent_directories ): zip_content.extract(item, path) msg_list.append("extracted: " + item) if len(msg_list) < 2: raise ValueError("no NXDL content downloaded") infofile = os.path.join(download_dir_name, INFO_FILE_NAME) nfs = NXDL_File_Set() obj = {k: grr.__getattribute__(k) for k in nfs.json_file_keys} obj["# description"] = "NXDL files downloaded from GitHub repository" obj["# written"] = str( # TODO: move this code into the NXDL_File_Set class write_json_file(infofile, obj) msg_list.append("created: " + INFO_FILE_NAME) # last, rename the installed directory (``parts[0]``) to`` grr.ref`` if os.path.exists(NXDL_refs_dir_name): shutil.rmtree(NXDL_refs_dir_name, ignore_errors=True) shutil.move(download_dir_name, NXDL_refs_dir_name) msg_list.append("installed in: " + os.path.abspath(NXDL_refs_dir_name)) return msg_list
[docs]def table_of_caches(): """ return a pyRestTable table describing all known file sets in both source and user caches :returns obj: instance of pyRestTable.Table with all known file sets **Example**:: ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== NXDL file set type cache date & time commit path ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== v3.2 tag source 2017-01-18 23:12:44 e888dac /home/user/punx/src/punx/cache/v3.2 NXroot-1.0 tag user 2016-10-24 14:58:10 e0ad63d /home/user/.config/punx/NXroot-1.0 master branch user 2016-12-20 18:30:29 85d056f /home/user/.config/punx/master Schema-3.3 release user 2017-05-02 12:33:19 4aa4215 /home/user/.config/punx/Schema-3.3 a4fd52d commit user 2016-11-19 01:07:45 a4fd52d /home/user/.config/punx/a4fd52d ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== """ cm = CacheManager() return cm.table_of_caches()
[docs]class CacheManager(singletons.Singleton): """ manager both source and user caches .. autosummary:: ~install_NXDL_file_set ~select_NXDL_file_set ~find_all_file_sets ~cleanup """ def __init__(self): self.default_file_set = None self.source = SourceCache() self.user = UserCache() self.NXDL_file_sets = self.find_all_file_sets() msg = " NXDL_file_sets names = " msg += str(sorted(list(self.NXDL_file_sets.keys()))) logger.debug(msg) try: self.select_NXDL_file_set() except KeyError: pass if self.default_file_set is None: msg = " CacheManager: no default_file_set selected yet" logger.debug(msg) # TODO: update the .ini file as needed (remember the default_file_set value # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # public
[docs] def install_NXDL_file_set(self, grr, user_cache=True, ref=None, force=False): """ using `ref` as a name, get the se of NXDL files from the NeXus GitHub :param obj grr: instance of :class:`GitHub_Repository_Reference` :param bool user_cache: ``True``: use user cache, `` False``: use source cache (default) :param str ref: name to use when requesting from GitHub, (`master`, commit hash such as `abc1234`, branch name, release name such as `v3.2`, or tag name) :param bool force: update if installed is not the same SHA """ ref = ref or github_handler.DEFAULT_NXDL_SET cache_obj = {True: self.user, False: self.source}[user_cache] fs = cache_obj.find_all_file_sets() if force or ref not in fs: if grr.request_info(ref) is not None: if ref not in fs:" %s not found in cache", ref) force = True verb = "Installing" else: force = ref in fs and grr.sha != fs[ref].sha if force: msg = " different SHAs - existing=" + fs[ref].sha msg += " GitHub=" + grr.sha verb = "Updating" else:" NXDL file set: %s unchanged, not updating", ref) if force:" %s NXDL file set: %s", verb, ref) m = extract_from_download(grr, cache_obj.path()) return m
[docs] def select_NXDL_file_set(self, ref=None): """ return the named self.default_file_set instance or raise KeyError exception if unknown :return obj: """ logger.debug(" given ref: " + str(ref)) def sorter(value): return self.NXDL_file_sets[value].last_modified if ref is None and len(self.NXDL_file_sets) > 0: ref = ref or sorted(self.NXDL_file_sets, key=sorter, reverse=True)[0] ref = ref or github_handler.DEFAULT_NXDL_SET logger.debug(" final ref: " + str(ref)) if ref not in self.NXDL_file_sets: # msg = 'unknown NXDL file set: ' + str(ref) msg = "expected one of " + " ".join(sorted(self.NXDL_file_sets.keys())) msg += ", received: " + str(ref) raise KeyError(msg) self.default_file_set = self.NXDL_file_sets[ref] logger.debug(" default file set: " + str(self.default_file_set)) return self.default_file_set
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # private
[docs] def find_all_file_sets(self): """return dictionary of all NXDL file sets in both source & user caches""" fs = {k: v for k, v in self.source.find_all_file_sets().items()} msg = " source file set names: " msg += str(sorted(list(fs.keys()))) logger.debug(msg) for k, v in self.user.find_all_file_sets().items(): if k not in fs: # raise ValueError('user cache file set already known: ' + k) # else: fs[k] = v self.NXDL_file_sets = fs # remember msg = " all known file set names: " msg += str(sorted(list(fs.keys()))) logger.debug(msg) return fs
[docs] def cleanup(self): """removes any temporary directories""" self.source.cleanup() self.user.cleanup()
[docs] def table_of_caches(self): """ return a pyRestTable table describing all known file sets in both source and user caches :returns obj: instance of pyRestTable.Table with all known file sets **Example**:: ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== NXDL file set type cache date & time commit path ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== v3.2 tag source 2017-01-18 23:12:44 e888dac /home/user/punx/src/punx/cache/v3.2 NXroot-1.0 tag user 2016-10-24 14:58:10 e0ad63d /home/user/.config/punx/NXroot-1.0 master branch user 2016-12-20 18:30:29 85d056f /home/user/.config/punx/master Schema-3.3 release user 2017-05-02 12:33:19 4aa4215 /home/user/.config/punx/Schema-3.3 a4fd52d commit user 2016-11-19 01:07:45 a4fd52d /home/user/.config/punx/a4fd52d ============= ======= ====== =================== ======= =================================== """ t = pyRestTable.Table() fs = self.find_all_file_sets() t.labels = ["NXDL file set", "type", "cache", "date & time", "commit", "path"] for k, v in fs.items(): # print(k, str(v)) row = [ k, ] v.short_sha = get_short_sha(v.sha) for w in "ref_type cache last_modified short_sha path".split(): row.append(str(v.__getattribute__(w))) t.rows.append(row) return t
[docs]class Base_Cache(object): """ provides comon methods to get the QSettings path and file name .. autosummary:: ~find_all_file_sets ~fileName ~path ~cleanup """ qsettings = None is_temporary_directory = False
[docs] def path(self): """directory containing the QSettings file""" if self.qsettings is None: raise RuntimeError("cache qsettings not defined!") return os.path.dirname(self.fileName())
[docs] def fileName(self): """full path of the QSettings file""" if self.qsettings is None: raise RuntimeError("cache qsettings not defined!") fn = str(self.qsettings.fileName()) return fn
[docs] def find_all_file_sets(self): """index all NXDL file sets in this cache""" fs = {} if self.qsettings is None: raise RuntimeError("cache qsettings not defined!") cache_path = self.path() logger.debug(" cache path: " + str(cache_path)) for item in os.listdir(cache_path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cache_path, item)): info_file = os.path.join(cache_path, item, INFO_FILE_NAME) if os.path.exists(info_file): fs[item] = NXDL_File_Set() fs[item].read_info_file(info_file) return fs
[docs] def cleanup(self): """removes any temporary directories""" if self.is_temporary_directory: os.removedirs(self.path()) self.is_temporary_directory = False
[docs]class SourceCache(Base_Cache): """manage the source directory cache of NXDL files""" def __init__(self): path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), SOURCE_CACHE_SUBDIR) ) if not os.path.exists(path): # make the directory and load the default set of NXDL files os.mkdir(path) grr = github_handler.GitHub_Repository_Reference() grr.connect_repo() if grr.request_info() is not None: extract_from_download(grr, path) ini_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, SOURCE_CACHE_SETTINGS_FILENAME)) self.qsettings = QtCore.QSettings(ini_file, QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat)
[docs]class UserCache(Base_Cache): """manage the user directory cache of NXDL files""" def __init__(self): self.qsettings = QtCore.QSettings( QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat, QtCore.QSettings.UserScope, __settings_organization__, __settings_package__, ) path = self.path() if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError: import tempfile # legacy CI (travis) raised this exception, could not create dir # last ditch effort here, make a temp dir for 1-time use path = tempfile.mkdtemp() ini_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(path, SOURCE_CACHE_SETTINGS_FILENAME) ) self.qsettings = QtCore.QSettings(ini_file, QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat) self.is_temporary_directory = True
[docs]class NXDL_File_Set(object): """describe a single set of NXDL files""" path = None cache = None info = None ref = None ref_type = None sha = None zip_url = None last_modified = None # nxdl_element_factory = None # these keys are written and read to the JSON info files in each downloaded file set json_file_keys = "ref ref_type sha zip_url last_modified".split() # TODO: #94 consider defining the SchemaManager here (perhaps lazy load)? # see nxdl_manager for example code: __getattribute__() schema_manager = None __schema_manager_loaded__ = False def __getattribute__(self, *args, **kwargs): """implement lazy load of definition content""" if ( len(args) == 1 and args[0] == "schema_manager" and self.path is not None and os.path.exists(self.path) and not self.__schema_manager_loaded__ ): from punx import schema_manager self.schema_manager = schema_manager.SchemaManager(self.path) self.__schema_manager_loaded__ = True return object.__getattribute__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): if self.ref is None: return object.__str__(self) s = "NXDL_File_Set(" s += "ref_type=" + str(self.ref_type) s += ", ref=" + str(self.ref) s += ", last_modified=" + str(self.last_modified) s += ", cache=" + str(self.cache) # s += ', sha=' + str(self.sha,) s += ", short_sha=" + get_short_sha(self.sha) s += ", path=" + str(self.path) s += ")" return s def read_info_file(self, file_name=None): if file_name is None and self.ref is None: raise ValueError("NXDL_File_Set() does not refer to any files") file_name = file_name or if not os.path.exists(file_name): raise FileNotFound("info file not found: " + file_name) = file_name self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_name)) if self.path.find(os.path.join("punx", "cache")) > 0: self.cache = u"source" else: self.cache = u"user" # read the NXDL file set's info file for GitHub information obj = read_json_file(file_name) for k in self.json_file_keys: self.__setattr__(k, obj.get(k))