Source code for punx.nxdltree

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2014-2018, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Describe the tree structure of a NXDL XML file

.. autosummary::


import logging
import os
import lxml.etree

from . import cache_manager

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NxdlTreeView(object): """ Describe the tree structure of a NXDL XML file Example usage showing default display:: mc = NxdlTreeView(nxdl_file_name) mc.array_items_shown = 5 show_attributes = False txt = """ def __init__(self, nxdl_file): """store nxdl_file and test if file is NeXus HDF5""" self.requested_nxdl_file = nxdl_file self.nxdl_file = None self.show_attributes = True if os.path.exists(nxdl_file): self.nxdl_file = nxdl_file self.nxdl_category = self._determine_category_()
[docs] def report(self, show_attributes=True): """ return the structure of the NXDL file in a list of strings The work of parsing the data file is done in this method. """ cm = cache_manager.CacheManager() file_set = cm.default_file_set xslt_file = os.path.join(file_set.path, self.nxdl_category, "nxdlformat.xsl") if not os.path.exists(xslt_file): raise ValueError("XSLT file not found: " + xslt_file) text = self._xslt_(xslt_file) result = [ "file: " + self.nxdl_file, "XSLT: " + xslt_file, ] result += text.splitlines() return result
def _determine_category_(self): """determine the NXDL category of this file Could be: * base_classes * applications * contributed_definition * None """ xref = dict( application="applications", base="base_classes", contributed="contributed_definitions", ) doc = __parse_xml__(self.nxdl_file) root = doc.getroot() category = root.get("category") if category is None: msg = "missing category attribute in NXDL file: " + self.nxdl_file raise ValueError(msg) path = xref.get(category) if path is None: msg = "unknown category (%s) in NXDL file: %s" % (category, self.nxdl_file) raise ValueError(msg) return path def _xslt_(self, xslt_file): """ convenience routine for XSLT transformations For a given XSLT file *abcdefg.xsl*, will produce a file *abcdefg.html*:: abcdefg.xsl + xml_data --> abcdefg.html """ buf = xslt_transformation(xslt_file, self.nxdl_file) return buf
[docs]def xslt_transformation(xslt_file, src_xml_file): """ return the transform of an XML file using an XSLT :param str xslt_file: name of XSLT file :param str src_xml_file: name of XML file """ src_doc = __parse_xml__(src_xml_file) if src_doc is None: return xslt_doc = __parse_xml__(xslt_file) if xslt_doc is None: return transform = lxml.etree.XSLT(xslt_doc) result_doc = transform(src_doc) _r = str(result_doc) return _r
def __parse_xml__(xml_file_name): """ common handler for lxml.etree.parse to catch certain exceptions """ try: src_doc = lxml.etree.parse(xml_file_name) except (IOError, lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError) as _exc: logger.error("problem with %s: %s", xml_file_name, _exc) return return src_doc