Source code for punx.main

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2018, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.

Python Utilities for NeXus HDF5 files

main user interface file

.. rubric:: Usage


    console> punx -h
    usage: punx [-h] [-v]
                {configuration,demonstrate,structure,tree,update,validate} ...
    Python Utilities for NeXus HDF5 files version: 0.2.0+9.g31fd4b4.dirty URL:
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
      valid subcommands
        configuration       show configuration details of punx
        demonstrate         demonstrate HDF5 file validation
        structure           structure command deprecated. Use ``tree`` instead
        tree                show tree structure of HDF5 or NXDL file
        update              update the local cache of NeXus definitions
        validate            validate a NeXus file
    Note: It is only necessary to use the first two (or more) characters of any
    subcommand, enough that the abbreviation is unique. Such as: ``demonstrate``
    can be abbreviated to ``demo`` or even ``de``.

.. autosummary::


import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys

    # level=logging.DEBUG, 
    format='[%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(name)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') 

from .__init__ import __version__, __package_name__, __url__
from .__init__ import FileNotFound, HDF5_Open_Error, SchemaNotFound
from . import finding
from . import utils

ERROR = 40
logger = utils.setup_logger(__name__, logging.INFO)

# :see:
# obvious 1st implementations are h5structure and update

[docs]def exit_message(msg, status=None, exit_code=1): ''' exit this code with a message and a status :param str msg: text to be reported :param int status: 0 - 50 (default: ERROR = 40) :param int exit_code: 0: no error, 1: error (default) ''' if status is None: status = ERROR"{} -- {}".format(msg, status)) exit(exit_code)
[docs]def func_configuration(args): """show internal configuration of punx""" from . import cache_manager from . import github_handler cm = cache_manager.CacheManager() print("Locally-available versions of NeXus definitions (NXDL files)") print(cm.table_of_caches()) print("default NXDL file set: ", cm.default_file_set.ref)
# nothing to show from here # grr = github_handler.GitHub_Repository_Reference() # perhaps does local creds file exist? Show where it is? or TMI?
[docs]def func_demo(args): ''' show what **punx** can do .. index:: demo Internally, runs these commands:: punx validate <source_directory>/data/writer_1_3.hdf5 punx tree <source_directory>/data/writer_1_3.hdf5 .. index:: cache update If you get an error message that looks like this one (line breaks added here for clarity):: punx.cache.FileNotFound: file does not exist: /Users/<username>/.config/punx/definitions-master/nxdl.xsd AND not found in source cache either! Report this problem to the developer. then you will need to update your local cache of the NeXus definitions. Use this command to update the local cache:: punx update ''' path = os.path.dirname(__file__) args.infile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, 'data', 'writer_1_3.hdf5')) print("") print('console> punx validate ' + args.infile) = ','.join(sorted(finding.VALID_STATUS_DICT.keys())) func_validate(args) del print("") print('console> punx tree ' + args.infile) from . import h5tree mc = h5tree.Hdf5TreeView(args.infile) # :param bool show_attributes: display attributes in output show_attributes=True mc.array_items_shown = 5 print('\n'.join(
[docs]def func_hierarchy(args): "not implemented yet" url = '' print('A chart of the NeXus hierarchy is in the **punx** documentation.') print('see: ' + url)
# TODO: issue #1 & #10 show NeXus base class hierarchy from a given base class
[docs]def func_structure(args): "deprecated subcommand" msg = 'structure command deprecated. Use ``tree`` instead' print(ValueError(msg)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def func_tree(args): """print the tree structure of a NeXus HDF5 data file of NXDL XML file""" if args.infile.endswith('.nxdl.xml'): from . import nxdltree try: mc = nxdltree.NxdlTreeView(os.path.abspath(args.infile)) except FileNotFound: exit_message('File not found: ' + args.infile) except Exception as exc: exit_message(str(exc)) report = print('\n'.join(report or '')) else: from . import h5tree try: mc = h5tree.Hdf5TreeView(os.path.abspath(args.infile)) except FileNotFound: exit_message('File not found: ' + args.infile) mc.array_items_shown = args.max_array_items try: report = except HDF5_Open_Error: exit_message('Could not open as HDF5: ' + args.infile) print('\n'.join(report or ''))
[docs]def func_validate(args): """ validate the content of a NeXus HDF5 data file of NXDL XML file """ from . import validate if args.infile.endswith('.nxdl.xml'): result = validate.validate_xml(args.infile) if result is None: print(args.infile, ' validates') return validator = validate.Data_File_Validator() # determine which findings are to be reported report_choices, trouble = [], [] for c in','): if c in finding.VALID_STATUS_DICT: report_choices.append(finding.VALID_STATUS_DICT[c]) else: trouble.append(c) if len(trouble) > 0: msg = 'invalid choice(s) for *--report* option: ' msg += ','.join(trouble) msg += '\n' msg += '\t' + 'available choices: ' msg += ','.join(sorted(finding.VALID_STATUS_DICT.keys())) exit_message(msg) try: # run the validation validator.validate(args.infile) except FileNotFound: exit_message('File not found: ' + args.infile) except HDF5_Open_Error: exit_message('Could not open as HDF5: ' + args.infile) except SchemaNotFound as _exc: exit_message(str(_exc)) # report the findings from the validation validator.print_report()
def _install(cm, grr, ref, use_user_cache = True, force = False): """ Install or update the named NXDL file reference """ force = force or ref == "master" # always update from the master branch msg = "install_NXDL_file_set(ref={}, force={}, user_cache={})".format( ref, force, use_user_cache) m = cm.install_NXDL_file_set( grr, user_cache=use_user_cache, ref=ref, force = force) if isinstance(m, list): print(str(m[-1]))
[docs]def func_update(args): """update or install versions of the NeXus definitions""" from . import cache_manager from . import github_handler cm = cache_manager.CacheManager() print(cm.table_of_caches()) if args.try_to_install_or_update: grr = github_handler.GitHub_Repository_Reference() grr.connect_repo() cm.find_all_file_sets() for ref in args.file_set_list: _install(cm, grr, ref, force=args.force) print(cm.table_of_caches())
[docs]class MyArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): ''' override standard ArgumentParser to enable shortcut feature stretch goal: permit the first two char (or more) of each subcommand to be accepted # ?? '''
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): ''' permit the first two char (or more) of each subcommand to be accepted ''' if args is None and len(sys.argv) > 1 and not sys.argv[1].startswith('-'): # TODO: issue #8: make more robust for variations in optional commands sub_cmd = sys.argv[1] # make a list of the available subcommand names choices = [] for g in self._subparsers._group_actions: if isinstance(g, argparse._SubParsersAction): #choices = g._name_parser_map.keys() choices = g.choices.keys() break if len(choices) > 0 and sub_cmd not in choices: if len(sub_cmd) < 2: msg = 'subcommand too short, must match first 2 or more characters, given: %s' self.error(msg % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) # look for any matches matches = [c for c in choices if c.startswith(sub_cmd)] # validate the match is unique if len(matches) == 0: msg = 'subcommand unrecognized, given: %s' self.error(msg % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) elif len(matches) > 1: msg = 'subcommand ambiguous (matches: %s)' % ' | '.join(matches) msg += ', given: %s' self.error(msg % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) else: sub_cmd = matches[0] # re-assign the subcommand sys.argv[1] = sub_cmd return argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self, args, namespace)
[docs]def parse_command_line_arguments(): '''process command line''' doc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] doc += '\n version: ' + __version__ doc += '\n URL: ' + __url__ epilog = 'Note: It is only necessary to use the first two (or' epilog += ' more) characters of any subcommand, enough that the' epilog += ' abbreviation is unique. ' epilog += ' Such as: ``demonstrate`` can be abbreviated to' epilog += ' ``demo`` or even ``de``.' p = MyArgumentParser( prog=__package_name__, description=doc, epilog=epilog) p.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__) # TODO: issue #9, stretch goal: GUI for any of this # p.add_argument( # '-g', # '--gui', # help='graphical user interface (TBA)') subcommand = p.add_subparsers(title='subcommand', description='valid subcommands',) ## subcommand: configuration # TODO: issue #11 help_text = 'show configuration details of punx' p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('configuration', help=help_text) p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_configuration) ### subcommand: demo p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('demonstrate', help='demonstrate HDF5 file validation') # TODO: add_logging_argument(p_sub) p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_demo) # ### subcommand: hierarchy # # TODO: issue #1 & #10 # help_text = 'show NeXus base class hierarchy from a given base class' # p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('hierarchy', help=help_text) # p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_hierarchy) # #p_sub.add_argument('something', type=bool, help='something help_text') ### subcommand: structure help_text = 'structure command deprecated. Use ``tree`` instead' p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('structure', help=help_text) p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_structure) p_sub.add_argument('infile', help="HDF5 or NXDL file name") ### subcommand: tree help_text = 'show tree structure of HDF5 or NXDL file' p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('tree', help=help_text) p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_tree) p_sub.add_argument('infile', help="HDF5 or NXDL file name") p_sub.add_argument( '-a', action='store_false', default=True, dest='show_attributes', help='Do not print attributes of HDF5 file structure') help_text = 'maximum number of array items to be shown' p_sub.add_argument( '-m', '--max_array_items', default=5, type=int, #choices=range(1,51), help=help_text) # TODO: add_logging_argument(p_sub) ### subcommand: update help_text = 'update the local cache of NeXus definitions' p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('update', help=help_text) p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_update) help_text = "name(s) of reference NeXus NXDL file set" help_text += " (GitHub tag, hash, version, or 'master')" help_text += " -- default master" p_sub.add_argument( '-r', '--file_set_list', default=["master", ], nargs='*', help=help_text) p_sub.add_argument("-i", "--install", action='store_false', default=True, dest='try_to_install_or_update', help='Do not install (or update) -- default True') p_sub.add_argument( '-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force update (if GitHub available)') # TODO: add_logging_argument(p_sub) ### subcommand: validate p_sub = subcommand.add_parser('validate', help='validate a NeXus file') p_sub.add_argument('infile', help="HDF5 or NXDL file name") p_sub.set_defaults(func=func_validate) reporting_choices = ','.join(sorted(finding.VALID_STATUS_DICT.keys())) help_text = 'select which validation findings to report, choices: ' help_text += reporting_choices p_sub.add_argument('--report', default=reporting_choices, help=help_text) # TODO: add_logging_argument(p_sub) return p.parse_args()
def main(): print("\n!!! WARNING: this program is not ready for distribution.\n") args = parse_command_line_arguments() if not hasattr(args, "func"): print("ERROR: must specify a subcommand -- for help, type:") print("%s -h" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()