Source code for punx.nxdl_schema

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2017-2018, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.

Read the NeXus XML Schema

.. autosummary::

The ``NXDL_item_catalog.definition_element`` will provide the
defaults for the definition, group, field, link, and symbols 
NXDL structures.  These internal structures are used:

.. autosummary::

Note there is a recursion within :class:`NXDL_schema__group`
since a *group* may contain a child *group*.

from __future__ import print_function

import lxml.etree
import os

from . import utils

logger = utils.setup_logger(__name__)

NXDL_XSD_NAME = 'nxdl.xsd'
NXDL_TEST_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache', 'v3.3', NXDL_XSD_NAME)

[docs]def get_xml_namespace_dictionary(): """return the NeXus XML namespace dictionary""" return dict( # TODO: generalize this nx="", xs="", )
[docs]def get_named_parent_node(xml_node): """return closest XML ancestor node with a ``name`` attribute or the schema node""" parent = xml_node.getparent() if 'name' not in parent.attrib and not parent.tag.endswith('}schema'): parent = get_named_parent_node(parent) return parent
[docs]def get_reference_keys(xml_node): """reference an xml_node in the catalog: ``catalog[section][line]``""" section = xml_node.tag.split('}')[-1] line = 'Line %d' % xml_node.sourceline return section, line
[docs]def render_class_str(obj): """ useful optimization for classes USAGE:: def __str__(self): return render_class_str(self) """ excluded = (list, dict) msg = '%s(' % type(obj).__name__ l = [] for k, v in sorted(obj.__dict__.items()): if not k.startswith('_') and v is not None and type(v) not in excluded: l.append('%s=%s' % (k, str(v).lstrip('_'))) msg += ', '.join(l) msg += ')' return msg
[docs]class NXDL_schema__Mixin(object): """ """ def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return render_class_str(self)
[docs]class NXDL_schema__attribute(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """ node matches XPath query: ``//xs:attribute`` xml_node is ``xs:attribute`` a complete description of a specific NXDL attribute element NOTES ON ATTRIBUTES In nxdl.xsd, "attributeType" is used by fieldType and groupGroup to define the NXDL "attribute" element used in fields and groups, respectively. It is not necessary for this code to parse "attributeType" from the rules. Each of these XML *complexType* elements defines its own set of attributes and defaults for use in corresponding NXDL components: * attributeType * basicComponent * definitionType * enumerationType * fieldType * groupType * linkType There is also an "xs:attributeGroup" which may appear as a sibling to any ``xs:attribute`` element. The ``xs:attributeGroup`` provides a list of additional ``xs:attribute`` elements to add to the list. This is the only one known at this time (2017-01-08): * ``deprecatedAttributeGroup`` When the content under ``xs:complexType`` is described within an ``xs:complexContent/xs:extension`` element, the ``xs:extension`` element has a ``base`` attribute which names a ``xs:complexType`` element to use as a starting point (like a superclass) for the additional content described within the ``xs:extension`` element. The content may be found at any of these nodes under the parent XML element. Parse them in the order shown: * ``xs:complexContent/xs:extension/xs:attribute`` * ``xs:attribute`` * (``xs:attributeGroup/``)``xs:attribute`` This will get picked up when parsing the ``xs:sequence/xs:element``. * ``xs:sequence/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:attribute`` ( The XPath query for ``//xs:attribute`` from the root node will pick up all of these. It will be necessary to walk through the parent nodes to determine where each should be applied. """ def __init__(self): = None self.type = 'str' self.required = False self.default_value = None self.enum = [] self.patterns = [] self.maxLength = None self.nxdl_attributes = {}
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node): """ read the attribute node content from the XML Schema xml_node is xs:attribute """ assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}attribute')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', self.type = xml_node.attrib.get('type', 'nx:NX_CHAR').split(':')[-1] self.required = xml_node.attrib.get('use', self.required) in ('required', True) self.default_value = xml_node.attrib.get('default', self.default_value) nodelist = xml_node.xpath('xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:pattern', namespaces=ns) if len(nodelist) == 1: self.patterns.append(nodelist[0].attrib['value'])
[docs]class NXDL_schema__attributeGroup(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """ node matches XPath query: ``/xs:schema/xs:attributeGroup`` xml_node is ``xs:attributeGroup`` """ def __init__(self): = None self.children = []
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node): """ read the attributeGroup node content from the XML Schema xml_node is xs:attributeGroup """ assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}attributeGroup')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:attribute', namespaces=ns): obj = NXDL_schema__attribute() obj.parse(node) self.children.append(obj)
[docs]class NXDL_schema__complexType(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """ node matches XPath query: ``/xs:schema/xs:complexType`` xml_node is ``xs:complexType`` """ def __init__(self): self.children = [] = None
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node, catalog): """read the element node content from the XML Schema""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}complexType')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', handlers = dict( sequence = self._parse_sequence, complexContent = self._parse_complexContent, group = self._parse_group, attribute = self._parse_attribute, attributeGroup = self._parse_attributeGroup, ) element_list = """sequence complexContent group attribute attributeGroup""".split() for element_type in element_list: for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:'+element_type, namespaces=ns): tag = node.tag.split('}')[-1] handlers[tag](node, catalog)
def _parse_attribute(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:attribute node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}attribute')) section, line = get_reference_keys(xml_node) obj = catalog[section][line] self.children.append(obj) def _parse_attributeGroup(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:attributeGroup node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}attributeGroup')) ref = xml_node.attrib['ref'].split(':')[-1] obj = catalog['schema'][ref] self.children += obj.children def _parse_complexContent(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:complexContent node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}complexContent')) self._parse_extension(xml_node[0], catalog) def _parse_element(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:element node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}element')) section, line = get_reference_keys(xml_node) obj = catalog[section][line] self.children.append(obj) def _parse_extension(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:extension node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}extension')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() base = xml_node.attrib.get('base', None) if base is not None: base = base.split(':')[-1] obj = catalog['schema'][base] self.children += obj.children for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:sequence', namespaces=ns): self._parse_sequence(node, catalog) for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:attribute', namespaces=ns): self._parse_attribute(node, catalog) def _parse_group(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:group node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}group')) section, line = get_reference_keys(xml_node) obj = catalog[section][line] self.children.append(obj) def _parse_sequence(self, xml_node, catalog): """parse a xs:sequence node""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}sequence')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:element', namespaces=ns): self._parse_element(node, catalog) for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:group', namespaces=ns): self._parse_group(node, catalog)
# for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:any', namespaces=ns): # pass # and do what?
[docs]class NXDL_schema__element(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """a complete description of a specific NXDL xs:element node""" def __init__(self): self.children = [] = None self.type = 'str' self.minOccurs = None self.maxOccurs = None
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node): """read the element node content from the XML Schema""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}element')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', self.type = xml_node.attrib.get('type', self.type) if self.type is not None: self.type = self.type.split(':')[-1] self.minOccurs = xml_node.attrib.get('minOccurs', self.minOccurs) self.maxOccurs = xml_node.attrib.get('maxOccurs', self.maxOccurs) nodes = xml_node.xpath('xs:complexType', namespaces=ns) if len(nodes) == 1: for node in nodes[0].xpath('xs:sequence/xs:element', namespaces=ns): obj = NXDL_schema__element() obj.parse(node) self.children.append(obj) for node in nodes[0].xpath('xs:attribute', namespaces=ns): obj = NXDL_schema__attribute() obj.parse(node) self.children.append(obj)
[docs]class NXDL_schema__group(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """ node matches XPath query: ``//xs:group`` xml_node is ``xs:group`` """ def __init__(self): self.children = [] = None self.ref = None self.minOccurs = None self.maxOccurs = None
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node): """read the element node content from the XML Schema""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}group')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', self.ref = xml_node.attrib.get('ref', self.ref) if self.ref is not None: self.ref = self.ref.split(':')[-1] self.minOccurs = xml_node.attrib.get('minOccurs', self.minOccurs) self.maxOccurs = xml_node.attrib.get('maxOccurs', self.maxOccurs) for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:sequence/xs:element', namespaces=ns): obj = NXDL_schema__element() obj.parse(node) self.children.append(obj)
[docs]class NXDL_schema_named_simpleType(NXDL_schema__Mixin): """ node matches XPath query: ``/xs:schema/xs:simpleType`` xml_node is ``xs:simpleType`` """ def __init__(self): self.children = [] = None self.base = None self.patterns = [] self.maxLength = None #self.enums = []
[docs] def parse(self, xml_node): """read the attribute node content from the XML Schema""" assert(xml_node.tag.endswith('}simpleType')) ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() = xml_node.attrib.get('name', for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:annotation', namespaces=ns): pass for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:union', namespaces=ns): # TODO: nonNegativeUnbounded # either xs:nonNegativeInteger or xs:string = "unbounded" # How to represent this? pass for node in xml_node.xpath('xs:restriction', namespaces=ns): self.base = node.attrib.get('base', self.base) if self.base is not None: self.base = self.base.split(':')[-1] for subnode in node.xpath('xs:pattern', namespaces=ns): self.patterns.append(subnode.attrib['value']) for subnode in node.xpath('xs:maxLength', namespaces=ns): self.maxLength = int(subnode.attrib['value'])
[docs]class NXDL_item_catalog(object): """ content from the NeXus XML Schema (``nxdl.xsd``) EXAMPLE: nxdl_xsd_file_name = os.path.join('cache', 'v3.2','nxdl.xsd') catalog = NXDL_item_catalog(nxdl_xsd_file_name) definition = catalog.definition_element """ def __init__(self, nxdl_file_name): self.db = {} doc = lxml.etree.parse(nxdl_file_name) root = doc.getroot() self.ns = get_xml_namespace_dictionary() self._parse_nxdl_simpleType_nodes(root) self._parse_nxdl_attribute_nodes(root) self._parse_nxdl_attributeGroup_nodes(root) self._parse_nxdl_element_nodes(root) self._parse_nxdl_group_nodes(root) self._parse_nxdl_complexType_nodes(root) self._init_definition_element(root) # Now, start from the "definition" element def _init_definition_element(self, root): import copy nodes = root.xpath('xs:element', namespaces=self.ns) assert(len(nodes) == 1) self.definition_element = self.db['element']['Line %d' % nodes[0].sourceline] reference_type_name = nodes[0].attrib['type'].split(':')[-1] self.definition_element.children += self.db['schema'][reference_type_name].children def apply_substitutions(parent_node, catalog): for node in parent_node.children: for nm in 'type base ref'.split(): if hasattr(node, nm): key = node.__getattribute__(nm) if key in catalog['schema']: reference = catalog['schema'][key] # once the substitution has been made, # mark up the key so the substitution process is not repeated node.__setattr__(nm, '__'+key) if hasattr(node, 'children') and hasattr(reference, 'children'): for item in reference.children: if type(item).__name__.split('_')[-1] != 'group' \ or not hasattr(item, 'ref') \ or item.ref != 'groupGroup': # avoid a recursion (group can have child group) node.children.append(copy.deepcopy(item)) # substitutions in the children apply_substitutions(node, catalog) for attribute_name in 'patterns maxLength'.split(): if hasattr(reference, attribute_name): node.__setattr__( attribute_name, reference.__getattribute__(attribute_name)) apply_substitutions(self.definition_element, self.db)
[docs] def add_to_catalog(self, node, obj, key=None): """ """ section, line = get_reference_keys(node) section = key or section if section not in self.db: self.db[section] = {} self.db[section][line] = obj
def _parse_nxdl_attribute_nodes(self, root): for node in root.xpath('//xs:attribute', namespaces=self.ns): obj = NXDL_schema__attribute() obj.parse(node) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj) def _parse_nxdl_attributeGroup_nodes(self, root): for node in root.xpath('xs:attributeGroup', namespaces=self.ns): obj = NXDL_schema__attributeGroup() obj.parse(node) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj, key='schema') self.db['schema'][] = obj # for cross-reference def _parse_nxdl_complexType_nodes(self, root): # only look at root node children: 'xs:complexType', not '//xs:complexType' for node in root.xpath('xs:complexType', namespaces=self.ns): if 'name' in node.attrib: obj = NXDL_schema__complexType() obj.parse(node, self.db) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj, key = 'schema') self.db['schema'][] = obj # for cross-reference def _parse_nxdl_element_nodes(self, root): for node in root.xpath('//xs:element', namespaces=self.ns): obj = NXDL_schema__element() obj.parse(node) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj) def _parse_nxdl_group_nodes(self, root): for node in root.xpath('//xs:group', namespaces=self.ns): obj = NXDL_schema__group() obj.parse(node) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj) if is not None: self.db['schema'][] = obj # for cross-reference def _parse_nxdl_simpleType_nodes(self, root): xref = {} for node in root.xpath('/xs:schema/xs:simpleType', namespaces=self.ns): obj = NXDL_schema_named_simpleType() obj.parse(node) self.add_to_catalog(node, obj, key='simpleType') if 'schema' not in self.db: self.db['schema'] = {} self.db['schema'][] = obj # for cross-reference self.db['simpleType'][] = obj # for cross-reference xref[] = obj # apply_substitutions base values defined in NXDL for v in xref.values(): if hasattr(v, 'base'): if v.base in xref: known_base = xref[v.base] v.maxLength = known_base.maxLength v.patterns += known_base.patterns v.base = known_base.base
[docs]class NXDL_Summary(object): """ provide an easy interface for the nxdl_manager USAGE:: summary = NXDL_Summary(nxdl_xsd_file_name) ... summary.simpleType['validItemName'].patterns """ def __init__(self, nxdl_xsd_file_name): self.definition = None self.attribute = None self.doc = None self.field = None = None = None self.symbols = None self.simpleType = {} self.setup(nxdl_xsd_file_name) def setup(self, nxdl_xsd_file_name): catalog = NXDL_item_catalog(nxdl_xsd_file_name) self.build_tree(catalog.definition_element) self.definition = catalog.definition_element = list(self.definition.groups.values())[0] =['group'].attributes self.attribute =['attribute'] self.doc =['doc'] self.field =['field']['group'] = 'recursion' =['link'] self.symbols = list(self.definition.components.values())[0] self.simpleType = catalog.db['simpleType'] def build_tree(self, obj): obj.attributes = {} obj.elements = {} obj.groups = {} if hasattr(obj, 'children'): for child in obj.children: if isinstance(child, NXDL_schema__attribute) \ or isinstance(child, NXDL_schema__element) \ or isinstance(child, NXDL_schema__group): kind = type(child).__name__.split('_')[-1] target = obj.__getattribute__(kind + 's') nm = or '(%s)' % kind target[nm] = child self.build_tree(child) # rename this obj.components = obj.elements del obj.elements